Friday, March 09, 2007

Countdown to Artist Retreat

It has been more than a month since I have posted. Where has the time gone? Life has taken over -- the schedule with my girls has been hectic and full. Tae Kwon Do, Talent Show, ballet lessons, homework, birthday parties, etc. There has been little time left over for art.

I have spent the month with my sketch book -- recording ideas, exploring shapes and colors. This has been a valuable exercise in creativity -- in capturing the ideas that come to mind. Many of them are not worth pursuing, but trying them out in the sketchbook is less time consuming and less costly than beginning the exploration in fiber.

In three days Sharon and I head south to the Atlantic Center for the Arts where we will spend a week at an artist retreat -- Focus on Fiber. Here is a link to the architect's website with pictures of the ACA. I am so excited I can hardly sleep. Pamela Allen, Claire Fenton, Rosemary Claus Gray and many other very talented fiber artists will be there.

One question keeps haunting me -- what will I work on? I have a box packed of supplies to dye and batik. I have my sketchbook and the beginnings of a floral landscape. A floral landscape? you ask. Yes -- but how ridiculously safe. I have an idea for a three dimensional piece with political undertones. To be true to myself and to the art I want to make, I should work on the political piece. I ask myself -- what part of me is afraid of being rejected by the other artists because of my subject matter? And why do I care? Do I care?

Isn't art is an isolationist's pursuit? I work alone in my studio. No collaborators -- no critique of the process. This is both comforting and scary. In the vacuum of the studio I can pursue any idea I wish, yet I sometimes wonder if the idea or finished work is any good. Working in a group setting, as we will be doing next week, will be challenging. That journey of idea execution will not be private. It will be viewed by others.

How will that viewing affect my process? That is the ultimate question and I am curious to know the answer. When I return I will post the answer.


Jules said...

Have a great and productive time down there. I have a big fear of doing a political piece, too, although the one I am planning for the Hope show could be considered political...

Relax and enjoy yourself. I hope you come back enlightened and renewed.

And after I take the certification exam next Saturday, I can relax and get back in the studio.

Did you tape the talent show? I want to see it! What did you little one do?

Anonymous said...

Great post. The questions you are asking are insightful and good, and it is so nice to vicariously view another artist's considerations in initiating a new work. Please post about your experience at the retreat when you return!

Jules said...

Well, how was it?