Thursday, August 10, 2006

A visit from Oma

Monday we drove back from Hunting Island, SC. We pulled into the garage at 7:00 pm, unloaded the car, then drove to the airport to pick up Joel's 93 year old grandmother, whom we call Oma.

I hope at 50, I am as spry and mentally agile as this 93 year old dame. She has her daily scotch (or bourbon, because we didn't have any scotch) and enjoys her cigarettes. Every day she gets up and does her morning stretches and exercises. She loves to walk and remain active. She enjoys travel and has been around the world a few times.

The girls absolutely adored her. And she adored them back.

And she says: "Like fish, guests begin to smell after three days."

So on the third morning she went home.

Come again soon Oma!

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