Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New Altered Couture!

My artist's preview copy of the new Altered Couture arrived in the mail yesterday. It will be on the newsstands on November 1st.

I have three pieces featured on pages 105, 108 and 109.

It's very exciting to see my work in print -- almost as exciting as it was to see my darling little girls wearing it. Here is Sarah wearing her Ahoy Matey overalls. (And Sophie in the background wearing a pair of her birthday overalls, which I did not submit. Maybe next time. . .)


Deb Lacativa said...

ARRGH! These are ADORable!
I know a famous artist - I know a famous artist!

Unknown said...

Wow! I am impressed! Great design style!

Heidi Miracle-McMahill said...

Wow! It looks great! Soooo exciting! I can't wait to see it in person. I want my own copy!

Heidi MM

Jules said...

Can you teach a class somewhere, maybe your living room or mine or Fiber on a Whim or somewhere, on making these overalls? I would gladly pay you for your time and expertise. I would love to do something like this, but am afraid to attempt it. (Or maybe I could just inherit Sophie's clothes? Just kidding!)

Sandra said...

Love the outfits. My 2 1/2 year old godtwins want to be pirates and I think they need some overalls. Aarrr.
It is too cool to see your work in print. I'm in December's Quilters Newsletter and I'm happy dancing with you.