Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Contemporary Quilt and Fiber Arts Alliance is Born


To create a community of artists which will encourage and celebrate the process of making art from fiber, and by doing this, each member will develop to his or her best potential. We will welcome and encourage new artists to enter the medium of fiber arts.

To educate ourselves through the sharing of techniques by members and national teachers, and through lectures and workshops.

To provide each other with critique in an environment that is educational and supportive, and not one that might destroy the confidence of participants.

To educate the public, aspiring appreciation and promoting fiber arts through public exhibitions.

28 people showed up at our first meeting tonight to confirm that they too are interested in pursuing such a purpose. Cool.


Kay said...

Congratulation! I hope this continues and grows--such a wonderful worthwhile project. There have to be more "kindred spirits" out there.

Thanks for your comment on my blog, too!

Deb Lacativa said...

Heya from across the top end - I'm in L'ville and sorry that I missed the first CQFA gathering. Looking forward to the next one.