Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Surface Design

When I moved in with my husband (before we married, shhhh don't tell anyone) I promised I would not batik. Now why would I make such a promise? It was his house. He saw my house full of wax pots, vats of dye and mess everywhere. No thanks. So I painted, did assemblage art, made traditional quilts and remodeled a room in his (our) house every time he went on the road. (Really, remodeled. Once I took a sledge hammer and knocked out a ceiling, a wall and pulled up a floor.)

Last month our fiberart bee batiked and I brought a waxpot home. Joel sighed and said "Okay, I'll set you up." And he proceeded to set me up a wax studio in the garage. I have a really nice kitchen counter, cabinets, light and a radio. "Please, no dyeing. It's too messy," was his only request.

This month, our fiberart bee dyed fabric. I forgot my batik piece so I just dyed plain old PFD. I tried to imitate Laura Wazilowski's ArtFabrik which is beautiful. Laura Wazilowski I am not, but I am pleased with this attempt and will try again. The good news. . .
Joel saw the fabric and said. . .

"Okay, where do you want a sink."

Gotta love that husband!

Now I'm off to begin quilting Dolores.


His Office, My Studio said...

You go girl! Great hand dyes. I have kept (22 years) my husband because he is just like yours. When he goes out of town I re-model. He puts up with my fabric painting and dyeing too.

Joyce said...

Nice husband or is he just resigned? Lol. Your dyeing turned out well. No wonder you want a dyeing studio.

My Brain on Quilts said...


Lucky for me, nice. I suppose a bit resigned, but resigned to the notion that art is a part of my daily life. He celebrates art with me and I consider myself extremely lucky to have such a soul mate.

He is a musician, which is an art form of its own. I help him feed his soul by supporting his playing and travelling which means he is gone from the family. Could be worse, he could golf! ;)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had to earn his respect first, but I can see how easily you did that!

Lovely work; lovely husband.

Teresa said...

Check out the dye studio my DH just put up for me. Don't drool, but I just want to say isn't it wonderful to have husband's who support your need for art? While you are there, check out the batik stamps I have for sale. That's talking batiking! (Sorry for the blanent commercial, but I thought you might want to see them.)
