Saturday, December 16, 2006

Young Artists-in-training

Last week we had a passel full of girls playing at our house. I had asked my eldest daughter (6 1/2 years) to play with Barbies, Groovy Girls, Polly Pocket or any of the millions of toys they have -- and NO ART. I just couldn't face a huge cleanup with 4 girls making art and the associated mess.

A while later my daughter came in search of scissors. I asked what she needed them for and she said: "For my art project." I scolded her and reminded her of the request to play with anything, but not to make art.

She replied: "But Mom, all I like to do is art."

That statement blew me away. In the fraction of a second it took my mind to comprehend what she had said, I realized she was right. That is what she likes to do.

So I handed her the scissors and told her to have fun. The mess was huge, but "feeding" that budding artist is important.

Today my daughter asked me about my current piece and how I made it. I showed her, and then she asked if she could make one. Out came my box of fabric scraps (I save everything, as evidenced by the condition of my studio) and she selected a picture as her pattern. She and Sophia worked on their pieces for about an hour and then went outside to play.

Why do I write about this? To remind you to feed your kids art. It is as important as vegetables, fruit and protein.

Now back to the studio.

Here we are looking at Dolores and counting the number of fabrics I used.

Here is Sophia with her Christmas Egg.


Joyce said...

In my experience, Kids+mess-Lots of fun. (I can't find the equals sign on my keyboard!) I cleaned up so many huge messes but now all four of my kids make their living doing some kind of art so I guess it was worth it in the end.

Jules said...

Dolores looks great!

How can your girls not love art? They have two very creative parents who have taught them to feed their souls with art and creativity. Your house just has that creative vibe in it. You cannot help but create while you are there.

I finally got shelves in the studio. I am working on setting it up.